Braces can be a nice way to obtain better teeth straightening results. This is an option trusted all around but the first week after this treatment can be difficult for many. It contains metal pieces to obtain right structure of teeth.
It can be bit sore in the initial stage because they get adjusted in your mouth. It can give you unusual and strange feeling in the beginning till your mouth gets adjusted to it. With time it gets fit in mouth to achieve better smile.
Check the following things after the treatment:
Patient may face issues such as soreness or swelling in initial days and thus it is better to go with softer foods for first week. One may then proceed for other food after this.
Brackets can be a nice way to restore smile but in initial stages, it can be tough to adjust it. It can act tough creating harm to mouth but with solutions like wax, such issues can be eliminated.
If problem and irritation still persist, patient may use warm saltwater to wash your mouth for 5–6 times a day. This can ensure better healing with less irritation. Saltwater will also help relieve pain.
One must only use toothbrush as suggested by dentist after braces. It is essential to brush and floss teeth properly after this which can ensure that no bit of food is left behind.
If you still experience any issue, you must consult expert dentist right away.