Does Invisalign Change your Face Shape?

Does Invisalign Change your Face Shape?

Feb 01, 2023

Clear aligners are a good option for fixing teeth misalignment and bites. They help guide teeth into the correct position. In addition, aligners are removable, transparent, and more convenient.

People with crowded teeth and gaps between teeth are usually the best candidates for clear aligners.

For the aligners to be effective, the patient must wear them for at least 20 hours daily. In addition, you must wear your aligner for three weeks before getting a new set. The treatment time varies depending on the severity of every case.

People often ask if Invisalign can alter the shape of your face, and the answer is yes. However, factors like the severity of your issue and type of improper bite determine whether or not and the extent of how Invisalign can change your face shape.

Facial bones like the cheekbone, jawbone, and browbone influence the shape of your face structure. Crooked teeth can also impact the appearance of your face. For example, an overbite can make your upper lip protrude.

Correcting the teeth alignment helps to resolve improper bite issues and can result in certain facial structure changes.

Do you want to fix your teeth alignment problem with orthodontics in Phoenix? Give us a call.

Can Invisalign Shape Your Jaw?

When people think of clear aligners, the first thing that comes to mind is teeth straightening, but apart from that, they can also be used to reshape the jaw and chin. Having an uneven jawline can cause severe pain and can be uncomfortable. The pain may be due to the teeth alignment; therefore, using Invisalign to correct the teeth placement can alleviate the pain and enhance the jawline.

Invisalign can also straighten the lower and upper jaws. The treatment allows you to open and close your mouth to speak correctly and chew.

To know more about how clear aligners can change the shape of your jaw, consult an orthodontist near you.

How Do Clear Aligners Work?

Orthodontic treatment comprises the following steps:

  1. Consultation

The first step is consulting an orthodontist. A dentist examines the teeth during that visit and takes a digital mouth scan. Afterward, they devise a treatment plan. Finally, the patient receives a digital preview of their new smile before the aligners are made.

  1. Aligner preparation

Once the teeth impressions are complete, the dentist creates a treatment plan using 3D technology. After approval, the digital models are sent to a production facility to make the aligners. Then the patient has to accept treatment and start the process.

  1. Aligner Treatment Schedule

The aligner trays need to be changed after every three weeks. For the treatment to work, the aligners must stay on for at least 20 to 22 hours.

The treatment can take about 3 to 24 months.

  1. Retainers

When you are done with the treatment, a custom clear retainer is created for you. You will have to wear the retainer before going to bed to prevent malocclusion from recurring. The dentist may recommend replacing it after 6 to 12 months.

If you are unsure whether to go with Invisalign or braces, you can schedule a consultation with USmile Orthodontics. They will help you make the right decision.

Benefits of Clear Aligners

Below are some benefits of clear aligners:

  • They are invisible

That is the best feature of clear aligners. The fact that they are invisible makes them less noticeable.

  • Saves time

Invisalign clear aligners can straighten teeth in half the time it would take traditional braces. Braces Phoenix takes about 12 to 24 months to complete treatment, while clear aligners take 6 to 12 months.

  • Doesn’t interfere with your meal plan

You can take out your aligners when eating and drinking, which means you can continue your diet plan as the treatment continues. However, people with metal braces have to avoid certain foods.

Your dentist may recommend brushing your teeth after eating to avoid staining the aligners and reduce the risk of tooth decay.

  • Practice good oral hygiene

Maintaining good oral hygiene habits is easy because you can remove the aligners when you want to brush and floss. Patients with braces must put extra effort into maintaining a healthy smile during treatment.

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